Little plumber water softeners

It’s been a long, long time since very the first Little Plumber electronic de-scaler rolled off the production line and thousands have now been sold all around the world. Over twenty years in fact! Gavin Beaumont found he was out of a job and got bored. Gavin had started and was Chairman of a very successful Public Company called Splash Products PLC but was taken over in a hostile bid 23 years later by a Company headed by Theo Paphitis of Dragons Den fame!

The LP3000 A small commercial unit capable of treating up to 25000 liters of hard water per hour. Suitable for use on cold feed and secondary return for all hot water generators, calorifiers and boilers. Treats compressors, cooling towers, swimming pool filters. Suitable for small Hotels and Care Homes. Physical size: Height70mm Width 238mm Depth 120mm


The LP4000 is a medium sized commercial unit capable of treating 125000 liters per hour with a maximum pie diameter of 70mm. Hot water generators up to 50kW and suitable for 50 bed hotels. Physical size: Height70mm Width 238mm Depth 120mm

Not wanting to return to employing hundreds of staff as he once did, Gavin started a small on-line Mail Order Company called Splendid Products Ltd and created the brand Little Plumber.

Twenty years later the Little Plumber range now consists of both domestic and commercial units, and these are all made by hand in a dedicated factory in Ceredigion, Wales.

The cost of energy is soaring and the one thing no industry wants is to add to the already rising costs involved in water heating with the additional burden of Limescale which can add up to 70% of overall energy costs in areas with hard water.

From dishwashers to steam ovens, from cooling towers and compressors, catering equipment and whole buildings, all will  benefit from running more efficiently with the installation of a Little Plumber unit.

The new LPooo range is the very latest in the treatment of water minerals using low frequency radio waves. Once considered to be “snake-oil” technology the thousands of users can now testify to the efficacy of the product. The latest range now employs a 5v USB input in all models so you can basically use your standard phone-charger as a power source although mains adapters are provided with every unit.

Added benefits are that the water feels and tastes softer so instead of an expensive ion-exchange or reverse osmosis unit a huge overall benefit can be achieved for minute running costs.

All Little Plumber products come with a 12-month money back satisfaction guarantee and cost on average a penny a day to run. They require no maintenance and should perform for 20 years plus.

In fact, some of the very first units are still in operation and functioning well.

So, remove and prevent limescale in hard water areas and save energy and hassle. Easy to fit and required no plumbing or maintenance. We even have re-chargeable battery operated models available.