Learn process safety lessons without repeating mistakes
Process industry accidents can result in catastrophic losses such as fatalities and multiple injuries, as well as substantial economic loss, property destruction and harm to the environment.
First published by IChemE in 1974 in response to the disastrous explosion at Flixborough, the Loss Prevention Bulletin (LPB) provided a way for the process industries to share information on accidents with the intention that other organisations could learn the same process safety lessons without repeating the same mistakes.
Now with a 40-year archive of lessons learned from accidents, LPB is the leading source of process safety case studies. As well as covering major accidents, such as Bhopal, Seveso, Piper Alpha, Texas City, Buncefield, it regularly includes less well-known incidents and near-misses whose details are not widely available elsewhere.
Subscription to LPB will give you access to this excellent source of reference material. Key features include:
- six new issues per year
- case studies demonstrating the hazards of real process and plant
- technical articles offering practical advice on specific hazards, process safety management systems and good safety practice
- all case studies and articles are reviewed by an editorial panel of experienced safety professionals
- free access to the toolbox talks – a series of PowerPoint slide shows that can be used as the basis of short safety talks
- access to almost 40 years of articles.
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