Prevent foreign body contamination and recalls with fully detectable products

Food and drink industries need to prevent/reduce the risk of foreign body contamination.

Physical contaminants, if left undetected, can damage equipment and cause injury, even death. If they reach the end consumer there will be expensive recalls, costly legislative fines and serious harm to brand reputation.

The safest way to eliminate and protect against this risk is to use metal detectable and X-Ray visible products in colours that stand out in all areas of food and beverage production.

Detectamet’s wide product range offers you the best in detectability, made from a unique, patented polymer that contains the highest level of detectable additive, without compromising on durability, and manufactured from EU & FDA (Food & Drug Administration) food safe approved materials. A wide selection of products is also available in nine highly visible colours – perfect for colour coding to prevent cross contamination in transferring bacteria and potentially lethal allergens.

Detectamet was established in 2003 by CEO Sean Smith, who had over twenty-five years’ experience in the food production industry at that time, and all products are rigorously tested to be metal detectable and X-Ray visible in food detectors.

Product range

Detectamet’s products are split into:

  • Stationery
  • Storage, mixing and handling
  • Safety knives
  • Professional knives
  • Workwear and PPE
  • Engineering
  • Bespoke products available on request

Detectamet also offer laser engraving and pad printing for branding and serialisation.

Bespoke products can also be ordered by contacting their friendly sales team on, +44 1759 304200.


Featured products

Detectable food industry temperature probe

With a patent pending, this is the first detectable food temperature probe on the market, ensuring risk of foreign body contamination is minimised within the guidelines of a HACCP plan.

The smooth, durable surface makes it easy to keep hygienically clean and its wide measuring range makes it suitable for all food, storage and equipment checks.

It can also be stored in a wall mountable detectable holder, allowing you to have a probe at each crucial stage in the food production and storage process.

“Within the tight confines of the food safety industry, companies cannot be confident that raw materials, storage (fridge, freezers, hot hold areas etc.), ovens, cooked dishes etc. are all within safe limits without the use of an accurate food temperature probe,” says Chris Lund, Detectamet’s new sales manager.

“With the introduction of new measures in BRC Version 8, it’s imperative your employees know how to perform food probe checks. It’s also an ideal time to review current practices and update your HACCP plan, if required,” continues Chris.

“All the different processes needed to create the finished food product require different temperatures. Under BRC, senior management have the responsibility to ensure their employees know what these different temperatures are, equip them with the correct thermometer to measure, and build in testing and maintenance to ensure the probe is working correctly.

“Storing, freezing, thawing, cooking and serving food all present inherent risks for bacterial contamination and our new food probe is an easy way to ensure these threats are minimised.”

For more information on the digital temperature probe see

For more information on the on the probe holder see


Food safe detectable natural rubber gloves

Recently developed and launched, following requests from the food industry, are Detectamet’s powder free, reusable, detectable rubber gloves, perfect for wearing for longer periods of times in food processing areas.

Offering a higher level of sensitivity (due to low levels of soluble proteins), with an anti-slip patterned finish that gives a good grip in both wet and dry conditions, they comply with EU and FDA regulations for safe contact with food.

The detectability reduces the potential contaminant risk, being blue makes them stand out, and they come in five different sizes, ensuring there’s a pair suitable for everyone.

They have specific left/right hands and a higher resistance to tearing due to a specification of 0.45mm thickness, making them easy to keep hygienically clean, therefore prolonging their life.  Bacteriostatic and fungistatic additives in the material prevent the growth of microbial contaminants, perfect for preventing cross contamination.

For more information click here 

For more details on any of Detectamet’s products, please contact: Detectamet’s Sales Manager, Chris Lund on +44 7718 191419,, or contact the sales office on +44 1759 304200,

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