The TIPPER TIE TT1815 and TT1512 are automatic double clipper solutions for chub packaging applications, including different meats, cheeses, pet foods and even soups and sauces. These clipping machines provide secure, sustainable closing for products ranging from 20- 140mm in caliber (depending on model). They connect to most industry standard stuffers and can work with either plastic, fibrous or collagen casings.
Designed for Productivity With speeds up to 200 piece/min (depending on model), these clippers can really increase productivity. State of the art touch screen control allows for easy operation and quick change between recipes. Its stainless-steel construction allows for hygienic cleaning, meeting the most stringent food safety requirements.
Advanced Technology The TIPPER TIE innovation “NewCon” (Newton Control) electronic clip closure, force monitor system prevents machine damage in the case of incorrect operation. This allows you to set the exact amount of pressure required for your application. If the set threshold value of the closing force is reached, the safety system is triggered, and it stops the machine. Contact your TIPPER TIE representative today to schedule a demonstration, request a quote or discuss different purchase options.