Large reductions in Waste water charges by moving to actual metered discharge!

Waste water charges are normally calculated as a fixed %, typically 80% of your clean water consumption and from our experience with industry if your current clean water bill is >£15,000/annum, the potential saving for switching from a calculated Waste water charge to an actual metered charge or claim-back could be up to £3,000 per annum! So there would be an opportunity for significant savings through metering of actual discharged Waste water as opposed to billing based on a % of your clean water consumption.

How are these savings achieved?

In most circumstances Waste water discharge is not metered, so the current practice from the Water utilities/suppliers is to assume that circa 80% of the clean water supplied to a company will be discharged as Waste water, down the drain. However, in practice many industries consume a considerable amount of water in the process including evaporation, less goes down the drain and the actual Waste water is less than the calculated/estimated charge offering the potential for large claim-backs. And Micronics has a unique metering solution based on the latest Microwave technology to accurately measure the Wastewater discharge as a cost-effective basis for the claim-back.

So if your clean water charges are >£15,000 per annum please contact us to arrange a free visit/survey and no obligation proposal from one of our consultants or if you prefer please forward details of your water charges for our review and comment regarding the scope for savings?

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