Costacurta S.p.A.-VICO

Costacurta has gained consolidated experience in the design engineering and manufacturing of metal conveyor belts for applications that require temperatures ranging from approx. -150°C to +1.150°C. The conveyor belts are used in numerous industrial processes and sectors, from metallurgical engineering, to pharmaceuticals to food processing.

Costacurta can help its customers select the right type of conveyor belt – thanks to specific calculation programs validated by wide experience in supplying and materials – on the basis of operating conditions, and the shape, size and weight of the products to be conveyed.

Conveyour belts for Spiral Towers:

These are made either from metal wires with special chain links at the edges or from flat wires; their main characteristic is their multi-direction flexibility, which makes them suitable for following lines that include both straight and curved sections. They are mainly used in the food industry for proofing, cooling and freezing processes, both on spiral towers and in straight tunnels. Made from stainless steel, they are suitable for low temperatures down to –150°C. Costacurta has made, and intends to continue, making investments to streamline production technologies and power up machinery and equipment with the aim of continual improvement in the quality of the product, flexibility and client service. A constructive relationship of collaboration with clients and attention to their needs is at the base of the constant product improvement and development activities.

Conveyor belts for other industrial processes:

These conveyor belts are made either from metal wires or from flat wires for temperature applications of up to 600°C. This family includes a wide range of conveyor belts: belts made from wire spirals and connecting rods, from flat bars, from wire links and connecting wires, from high-resistance steel wires, woven belts and perforated slat belts. They are used in a number of different industrial processes. Thanks to the specific experience gained over a long period, Costacurta can assist the client in the selection of the most suitable type of belt for the specific application.


Costacurta S.p.A-VICO, via Grazioli 30, 20161 Milan, Italy
Tel. 0039.

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